16 year Veteran DJ, having played over 150 conventions, clubs, bars, and even on the radio. Recca is sure to bring you the vibes you need and want. Be sure to come out to his electrifying performance, you will be in for a treat!
Grey Tiger helps run fursuit games along with a lot of setup and tear down. Part of the fennic group running around doing a lot of odd jobs that need to get done. Happy to help if the poor kitty doesn't need a cat nap. :P I help with many odd projects around the convention and make... Read More →
Grey Tiger helps run fursuit games along with a lot of setup and tear down. Part of the fennic group running around doing a lot of odd jobs that need to get done. Happy to help if the poor kitty doesn't need a cat nap. :P I help with many odd projects around the convention and make... Read More →
Event staff and dancers should arrive at this time for sound check, warmups, and important event information. This event will be held on the stage this year, not the dance floor. Dancers may bring one handler with them.
The fursuit group photo is taken promptly at 7:45 pm and the parade starts immediately afterward. Fursuits are required for the photo. Supervising parents should stand outside of the tape lines on the floor.
Photography has been my hobby for almost 2 decades now. I started long ago with a canon 35mm rebel and did mostly photos of nature. years down the road i upgraded to a canon 20D and continued my nature photography and did for hire events for family and friends. family portraits even... Read More →